Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 8, 2009

CMC Anti-Virus

CMC Antivirus software is virus free for personal use, providing the ability to secure and implement globally control data to the system while protecting your computer from: Virus, Spyware , Worm ... by scanning files, e-mail when the site visit. Ability to protect your computer by CMC Antivirus no less what Antivirus software famous you know.

Main features.

* The ability to identify good: List of identified 1.5 million samples on the virus.
* Protection of real-time management of all activities on your computer with real time: the tasks of file, the process is running, the other control system
* Scan file format: Scan file compression format generally.
* Protect files: Allows scan all files containing the hard drive, CD and socket outside of the computer. Automatically detect and destroy viruses in all files when you visit.
* Protect email: Protecting your mail before the attack of Virus, Trojan and other types of software to steal the information.
* Web Protection: This feature ensures the system will be protected absolutely safe before the attack of the virus types, depth and computer programs to steal information when browsing.

Features Highlights

* The friendly: Combining two English-Vietnamese, easy to install and use.
* Automatic Update: Automatic update of patches, the update bandwidth savings. Antivirus CMC allows users to set the update as you want: Update your computer, updated the characters by 5 or 60 minutes to update manually.
* Technology analyzing virus automatically: When the virus sample was sent to, after 5 minutes form the virus will be analyzed and this update to the list.
* Less system resources: CMC Antivirus occupy up to 30 Mb RAM.

- From 6/7/2009, Antivirus CMC / CMC Internet Security has been integrated CMCxEmu technology, a technological advanced world leading giả allow a virtual environment for the virus executable code in order virus software.

CMCxEmu (emulator) is a high technology, the CMC InfoSec successful development and integration into the engine (the core of the software) Antivirus by CMC / CMC Internet Security (AV CMC / CMC IS). Thanks to this technology, a virtual machine are set up with full CPU, memory than RAM, the Windows API function ... generated in the AV CMC / CMC IS. Virus / code in the "ideal" environment is the computer's victims, the highway's original relaxed enforcement of the code in order, damage in this virtual environment.

AV CMC / CMC IS will be based on behavior of the virus to make accurate conclusions for the authentication and virus. Simply said this technology to build an identical environment for the virus to make their games.

Key points in the development of emulator is to support most of the script of the x86 CPU (150 script), which can run up fake virus / code in a virtual environment (Emulator is a term is used to simply create a "virtual" run on the machine that actually functions and activities similar to real machine).
Technology CMCxEmu have large applications, it is used to:

- Unpack, detect the virus formed (Polymorphic)
- Develop engine "unpacker" to detect the type of virus that pack / code in use (general packer technology is to protect the executable file and Vxers (those who write virus) used very widely in encrypted virus to combat the detection of the virus.

This is the updated Wednesday 4th, CMC InfoSec be issued on 6 / 7 / 2009 is a step length of the detection as well as the ability of virus software CMC.

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